Why am I being debited?
The following situations will cause the program to require a debit more than once when printing the same form:

Printing a blank form. The program will require a debit every time you print a form with nothing filled in. The program sees the blank form as a new form. 

Changing the information in certain fields that create a new contract. These fields include the Buyers name, the Sellers name, and the address and other identifying information (parcel numbers, etc.) of the Subject Property. 

The program will prompt you to save after printing your document. If you choose not to save, you may be debited again. 

4. Changing the sales price would not trigger an impression and will not require a debit. This is to allow you to generate several offers on a property, or change the offer. You can print as many previously saved forms copies as you want as long as you do not trigger any of the impression fields. Please note: When using debit forms, to avoid being debited every time, save the filled-in form after printing. 
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