Client Profile & Auto-fill Explanation (NEW)

How to fill out the Client Profile and Auto-Fill a Form

General Instructions. 
1. Go to Manage Clients. You will see the Properties and Residents listed.

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2. To add a Property or Resident click on the Add New button. A wizard start screen will come up asking you what you would like to add. You can add a new property, a new resident to an existing property, or an new property and then add residents to it.

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3. When you Click Add New Property the Add Property Screen will come up.

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a. Property Name: - This is the name that will appear on the Select Property Drop-Down menu. 
b. Property Owner/Agent: - This is the owner/agent name that will appear on the form. 
c. Address Full: - This is the full address of the PROPERTY (not the owner/agent). It will automatically be generated from the Address1, Address2, City, State, and ZIP fields below.
d. Address1, etc: - These fields are for the PROPERTY address. They will auto-fill in the appropriate fields on the form and generate the Full Address if necessary.
e. County: - This is the county of the Property. It will auto-fill the form.
f. Office Phone, etc.: - These fields are for reference only and don't auto-fill the form. This information will come from the User Profile.

Below the Add New Property will be a place to enter Owner Information. This information is for reference only and is not auto-filled onto the form.

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Once you have completed the form, clicking Continue will bring up a Save confirmation dialog. Clicking OK will return you to the Property list.

4. If you selected Add New Resident to an Existing Property you will get a Property Selection screen

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When you click on Select Property a drop down menu will appear. You can select the property, or add a new property (see above). 

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5. Once you have selected the property, click Continue. You will be send to the Residents screen.

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a. Unit: - The apartment number. Do not enter the entire address. The rest of the address comes from the property profile.
b. Resident Name(s) - The names of all the residents in the unit. 
c. Unit/Apt Phone*: - The phone number of the unit. It will not auto-fill.
d. Contract Start Date/Contract End Date: - The start and end date of the contract/lease/rental agreement. Once entered you can use this to set up notifications to let you know when the contract will expire.

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To set up a notification you can click on the link or click the Notifications button. You will get a page where you can select the number of days before expiration and enter the email addresses where to send the notification. There will also be a log of the notifications sent.

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e. Resident 1
     Name: - the name of the first individual resident, for areas where a single name is needed, like signature areas. Don't enter residents that are not going to sign the document.
     Work Phone*:, Cell Phone*: Fax*: Email*: - Contact information for the resident. This will not appear on the form.
     DOB*: - The resident's date of birth. This will not be auto-filled on the form.
Residents 2-4 are the same format as Resident 1. 
f. Notes*: This is an area for notes. It can be used for pet information, residents who can not sign the document, or any other information the agent wishes to add.

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* indicates fields that are not auto-filled to the form.

Once the profile has been completed click Continue. A Save confirmation dialog will appear. When you click OK you will return to the Property/Resident List.

6. To delete properties and residents click the Enable Bulk Delete button. To the left of the properties and residents will appear check boxes.

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Check the properties and residents you want to delete. You can delete individual residents or the property profiles or both. If you delete a property you will delete all the residents connected to that property. When you have selected all the items you want to delete click the Bulk Delete Selected button. You will get a warning dialog:

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If you want to continue and delete the selected click the Yes button. You CAN NOT undo a delete. A delete confirmation flag will briefly appear.

If you decide not to delete any items, click the Cancel button.

To edit a property or a resident click on the line the entry is on.

How to Auto-Fill a form.

To auto-fill a form, click on the Autofill button to the right of the New Form button. You will bring up the auto-fill page.

copyright formRus all rights reservedStep 1 will list the form you have selected.
Step 2 will allow you to select a client profile to auto-fill the form. To select a client profile, click Use.

The Search Clients: field allows you to look for a specific resident or property. You can search by street name, property name, or resident first or last name.

Click Use None if you just want to fill in the information from your User Profile without using a specific client. 

Click Add New Property/Resident to add new profiles. See 3-5 above.

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